omega zumpano

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Hormone Coaching for Personal Trainers

3 mistakes I made as a personal trainer who didn’t know about hormone balance

Create Fitness from Within with Omega Fit Life Holistic Coaching

What to eat to avoid pms

Personal Trainers - Do this to Optimize Peri-menopause Hormones

Boost your hormone health with these 7 superfoods!

Pregnancy and Cycle Syncing Workouts | HOW TO

The secret to losing weight with your menstrual cycle

Maximizing Fat Burn: Exercise Tips for Your Luteal Phase

Decoding Estrogen Dominance: A Comprehensive Guide for Personal Trainers

Europannelli Zumpano (Cs)

exercise scientist debunks 5 myths about cycle syncing workouts

Sports Nutrition for the Menstrual Cycle

How she healed estrogen dominance and brought hormone health coaching into her biz

Ovulatory Phase HIIT workout + Ovulatory Phase Workout Recovery Foods

How she boosted low progesterone, got clients off birth control & helped PCOS client get pregnant.

Fitness Coaches: HORMONES & LIVER Secrets You MUST Know!

Cycle Syncing Certification

She helped 25+ Women Get Off Birth Control using Cycle Coach Academy Method

How to Cycle Caffeine with your Menstrual Cycle

Breaking the Cycle: Hormones and Fitness Coach Tips

How To Follow the Mediterranean Diet